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Holy Spirit Council No. 11661 11300 W 103RD ST OVERLAND PARK KS 66214


Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2020

Call to Order: Grand Knight, Justin Lillich called the virtual meeting by Google to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wardens Report: Cards were not checked because the meeting was virtual because of the pandemic. However, members were checked by visual recognition on screen.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Grand Knight Justin Lillich.

Roll Call: Roll Call was suspended for this virtual meeting because the Recorder joined the meeting late.

Attendance: Present: 23 Total Membership: 344

Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes of the last meeting held on June 11, 2020, were approved.

Grand Knight’s Report

Grand Knight Justin Lillich reported:


1.He was contacted by the District Deputy and asked about the Council’s current plan to keep its Council active. The discussion included the topics of fund raisers, new members, and activities;

2.The District Deputy conducted a regional meeting with the Grand Knights of other Councils which he attended. The meeting covered various topics with the group sharing ideas about conducting normal business during this pandemic crisis.

3.John Rodrequez, our Insurance Agent, wishes to have two face to face meetings with the Council this fiscal year;

4.He wishes to put together a schedule of activities, but with the Church partially closed and no meeting rooms available during the pandemic he is uncertain presently how this might be done;

5.At least until the pandemic is over and the Church becomes available he intends to conduct meetings virtual;

6.He’ll communicate by e-mail to the members; and

7.He announced the new District Deputy was Richard Warwick, but this Council may not see much of him because of his conflict with carrying out his duties at Holy Cross Parish and Counsel.


Deputy Grand Knight Report

The Deputy Grand Knight, Mike Conrad, was present and gave this report:

Financial Reports


No Financial Reports given at meeting by the Treasurer or Financial Secretary


The Grand Knight called on the Lecturer to address the Counsel with his Program. Greg Brown, the Lector, gave his prepared remarks on Bishop Robert Barron’s Daily Reflection on Matthew 15:21-19:1 dealing with forgiveness.



  Chad Eickholt, the Membership Director, was present. He said our new membership count for the 2020/2021 fiscal year to earn the Father McGivney Award was 18. Also, he advised any Council member getting five (5) new members during the fiscal year of 2020/2021 would receive a Fr. McGivney medallion.   



  Not present. No report given.




  The Faith Director, Everett Fritz, joined the meeting late and gave no report.




  Present, but no report given



Absent, no report given




John Weber, the Community Director, was present and provided the following information:

He informed the Council the Church is short of ministers during this corona virus epidemic. He said if any Knight could serve as an usher, Eucharistic Minister, Lector, etc. to contact him or the Church Office and let them know.


Also, he informed the Counsel of the need for food for the less fortunate during this epidemic. Because hot lunches were no longer being served during the epidemic for safety reason, he informed the Council of the need for sack lunches. He said Holy Spirit Church’s turn to provide sack lunches was the second Friday of each month. Each volunteer is asked to provide 25 sack lunches consisting of at least a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a bag of chips, and a sweet.


Unfinished Business

  The Grand Knight asked whether anyone had any unfinished business to bring up. Trinidad Molina was duly recognized.


  Trinidad Molina informed the Council the stand to support the tabernacle which Father wanted built from the same material as the monstrance housing had been completed by him in behalf of the Council. He informed the group the Council had now furnished the Church the monstrance housing unit and the stand for the tabernacle being used in the Adoration Chapel.


After, Trinidad surrendered the floor, Ken O’Bryan was recognized. Ken brought the Council up to date on “Play Along Football, the Council’s number two fund raising event after the membership dues. Ken informed the Council he had distributed all the raffle tickets to the membership. He said he was beginning to receive receipts from the sale of the raffle tickets. He emphasized to the Council distribution of tickets to the public was unlikely to be as broad as last year since they could not be sold in the Church this year. He encouraged all members to take additional raffle tickets and sale them to friends and family.



  With Unfinished Business being concluded the Grand Knight asked whether anyone had any new business to bring up with the Council.


  Rick Trudell, Past Grand Knight, was recognized. Rick explained to the Council the $200 earmarked for last February’s Vocation Poster Contest had not been distributed. He said in the past the individual winners would receive $50. He informed the Council at the Officer’s meeting it was suggested to change the award distribution process because the individual winners were not picking up the $50 prize money. Upon motion duly made it was suggested the $200 go to the Art Department of the School to be distributed as the Art Department deemed appropriate. The motion was seconded and there was a discussion that followed.


  In the discussion the motion was amended and seconded to donate the $200 to the School and have the School Officials decide how to use the donation. The amended motion was duly voted on and passed.


  Next, Trinidad Molina was duly recognized. Trinidad suggested some memory should be placed on the monstrance housing in memorial to the late Tom Maillard who without his estate donation it would not have come about. The suggestion was well received by the Council and a discussion followed. The idea was tabled until a feasible plan was devised which met with Father’s approval.




Dan Hageman, as Faithful Navigator, was called upon by the Grand Knight to give the Fourth Degree Report. Dan addressed the Council informing the Council because of the corona virus epidemic and the government requirement to practice social distancing to avoid its spread the Fourth Degree meetings which are primarily social are being suspended until the epidemic is brought under control.




The Grand Knight announced there was no Knight or Family of the Month again this meeting due to the impediment created by dealing with the corona virus epidemic, but he intended to commence the selection of both categories starting with the September meeting.




  No report. The District Deputy was absent.




The Field Agent, John Rodrequez, was not present so there was no report. Any Knight needing an insurance product was encouraged to contact John at (913) 403-9400.




There were no prayers requested for special intentions for the sick and/or distressed at the meeting.


  However, the Grand Knight led the Council with a Hail Mary prayer in closing-up the meeting.




The Adoration Chapel is now opened at the Church. However, because of the government social distancing requirement because of the corona virus epidemic, one worshiper at a time is being allowed in the Adoration Chapel. Therefore, there is nothing to report under this category.


50 / 50 DRAWING


No 50/50 because the meeting was virtual.


The meeting closed at 8:15 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,


Everett Fritz, II, Recorder

