officeArt object 

Holy Spirit Council No. 11661

11300 W 103RD ST OVERLAND PARK KS 66214



Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2022

Call to Order: Grand Knight, Jim Easterday, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wardens Report: The meeting was held in the Martha and Mary room at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: The Grand Knight led the Council in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Officers missing at the meeting were the excused Chaplain and the Financial Secretary, and the absent Advocate. Thirty-six (36) members were present and duly recognized.

Attendance: Present: 36 Total Membership: 317

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to adopt the October 13, 2022, minutes which were previously e-mailed to all of the members. The motion was seconded and passed. The minutes were adopted as presented.


Grand Knight’s Report

Grand Knight, Jim Easterday, opened the business meeting by announcing today was the anniversary of the establishment of the United States Marine Corp and tomorrow was Veterans Day. He asked all Veterans to stand and be recognized. The Veterans received a loud round of applause. Thereafter the Grand Knight reported:


1.He received thank you notes from the Council’s donation to Safe House and the Olathe/Wyandotte Pregnancy Center. The Grand Knight passed around the thank you cards;

2.He thanked all the Knights participating and volunteering in helping with Trunk or Treat, Memorial Rosary and Mass, Catholic Charities Food Collection, and the Tootsie Roll Drive;

3.He reminded the Council we are doing recruitment at Mass this weekend. He requested that whatever Mass you attend; try and help out;

4.He inquired who participated in the Fraternal Benefits night. He said for the Council to get credit towards the Founders Award we needed seven (7) attendees. He believes there were seven, but he only has names of six;

5.The next Fraternal Benefit Knight is November 29, at 7 P. M. He expressed his desire we have at least seven (7) attend this event virtually;

6.He reported to the Council we met our Religious Education raffle ticket requirement;

7.He thanked the six (6) Knights who helped in cleaning out the Knights’ closet located in the Martha and Mary room;

8.He reminded the Council Breakfast with Santa is scheduled for December 4. He said he was still looking for someone to chair that event;

9.He announced on January 15, 2023, the Council has been asked to help with the new Parishioner’s welcome brunch; and

10.He thanked Rick Trudell and Al Gracik for tonight’s refreshments.


Before surrendering the floor, he announced we have a new transferee with us tonight, Ben Sieve. He asked Ben to stand and be recognized and offered him an opportunity to introduce himself. Ben stood and provided us his history. He said he was transferring from the St, Joseph Council. He was a 2007 Aquinas graduate, and that he has been in the Parish for about five years. He received a warm welcoming round of applause.


Deputy Grand Knight

The Deputy Grand Knight, Don Watson, was present. There was no report.


Chaplain’s Report

Fr. Andrew was not present. There was no report.


Financial Reports

Financial Secretary Report

Tom Gaume, the Financial Secretary, was absent. In his absence, Thomas Spencer gave his report. Tom provided the bills to be paid to the Council. They were:

1.Al Gracik for tonight’s beverages          $ 54.83    

2.Reimbursement to Rick Trudell for expenses     $ 87.26

3.Reimbursement to Bill Ramsey for printing expenses    $ 38.19

4.TOTAL                  $ 180.28                


Upon a motion being duly made and seconded, it was approved to pay the above referenced bills.



Treasurer’s Reports

Tom Spencer, the Treasurer, was present and gave the Treasurer’s report as follows:

Bank Balance on hand:                $24,097.65

  Less: Checks outstanding             $ 1,587.95

Less: earmarked Coats for Kids’ fund         $ 890.85

Less: earmarked donations for Seminarian’s Fund $ 5,057.00

Less: 50/50 Rollover             $ 217.00

Remainder: $16,344.85


Tom indicated the Tootsie Roll fundraiser money is captured within the “Remainder” balance, although not specifically earmarked as such.



Lector’s Address

The Lector, Gregg Brown, was present and gave his presentation on the Eucharist titled “Source and Summit.” His presentation was concluded with the prayer for the canonization of Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney, our Founder.


Membership Director

  The Grand Knight called on the Membership Director to give his report. Chad Eickholt, the Membership Director, was present. Chad reported his plans to conduct the recruitment drive this weekend, November 12 and 13. He asked for everyone’s help. He indicated there would be an Exemplification at the Church on December 11, 2022.



Faith Director


  Everett Fritz, the Faith Director, was present but had no report.







Family Director


  John Weber, the Family Director, was absent. There was no report.



Vocation Director


  Bob Roennigke, our Vocation Director was absent. There was no report.



Life Director


Dave Boone was absent. He gave no report.





Don Watson was present. Don reported the “Free Throw Contest” to be held later in the fiscal calendar year was on track.



Community Director


Mike Bergkamp, the Community Director was present but had nothing to report.





Bob Long was present. He encouraged the Council members to visit the website. He indicated it was up to date and had a lot of interesting information on it.





Trinidad Molina was present and said there would be an exemplification on December11, 2022. He indicated the Council was set to go with it.



Unfinished Business

  With the Director’s reports concluded the Grand Knight moved onto unfinished business.


  Rich Triola stood and was recognized. Rich, as Program Director, expressed a need to have more Knights step up and take Director Positions and leadership roles. He indicated the Council was still short some Directors. Also, he said we need a back-up for Chris Horvat who purchases refreshments for the meeting. Chris was unable to make the meeting tonight and Rick Trudell fulfilled the duties for him.


  Next, Greg Miller stood and was recognized. Greg reported on the results of the Catholic Charities Food Drive the weekend of November 5th and 6th. He said 1,706 lbs of food was collected and $3,059.42 was collected


Next, Phil Fowler stood and was recognized. Phil reported on the Tootsie Roll Drive held on October 7th, 8th & 9th at HyVee. He said the Council collected $605 more this year over last year. He said this was a 13% increase. He thanked everyone who participated. As for the winner of this year’s award, he said it went to the Saturday 11 A.M to 1 P.M shift comprising the team of Don Watson, Greg Davis and Al Gracik.


Phil made a motion that this year’s collected Tootsie Roll money be donated to Lake Mary’s Home for Young Adults and to the Friends of Johnson County equally. The motion was seconded and passed. The exact amount of the donations is not known as the bill for the Tootsie Rolls has not been received. It will be deducted from the proceeds.


  Next, Greg Brown stood and was recognized. Greg gave a report on the success of the “Coats for Kids” Program. He said the Council gave away 246 coats this year. The breakdown was that 192 coats went to children and 54 went to adults. He said 5 Catholic Schools received coats, 2 Public Schools received coats, some residents at Safe House received coats, and other coats went to the O’Connell Boys Ranch, the Nativity Foster Home, and some needy individual families. In all he said the Council spent around $5,600 on the purchase of coats.


  Finally, Bill Ramsey stood and was recognized. Bill said “Sport Knights” will be held January 17, 2023. He said the group would be watching the KU vs. KS State basketball team competition.


New Business

  With “Unfinished Business” concluded the Grand Knight took up New Business.


  Greg Brown stood and was recognized. Greg announced there would be fundraisers for the “Seminarian Fund” and the “Coats for Kids” Program” He reminded the Council we have five (5) Seminarians from our Church to support and that the “Coats for Kids” Program needed to be replenished.


  Next, Tony O’Brien stood and was recognized. Tony put in a plug for the Barber Shop Quartet. He said they will be performing at 2:00 P.M. at the Unity Village on Dec. 3rd.



Fourth Degree Report


Greg Davis, the Faithful Navigator was present. Greg informed the Council the Chalice Dinner would be this coming Saturday, November 12, 2022, after the 4:00 Saturday Mass. He said it was not too late to make reservations.





The Grand Knight reported the Knight and Family of the Month were as follows:


Knight of the Month:    Ken O’Bryan

Family of the Month:   Joe and Susan Molen



District Deputy Comments


John Weber, the District Deputy, was absent. There was no report.



Insurance Agent Report


Our temporary Field Agent is Ray Garrison and his e-mail address is



For the Good of the Order


Prayers Requested


  Before closing the meeting the Grand Knight asked whether any Brother Knight wished to request prayers for the sick and distressed. In response, came the following:


1.The Council received an update on Mike McCray’s battle with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Continual prayers were requested for him and his wife, Janice.

2.John Weber was unable to be with the Council tonight as he contacted covid. Prayers were requested for John.

3.Carol clune had heart surgery. Prayers were requested for her.

4.Jim Easterday asked us to pray for his granddaughter’s husband, and

5.Prayers were requested for Carla O’Malley who was injured in a car accident.







Jerry Gerstberger was present. He said five (5) people attended the Wednesday night’s Adoration which was held after the Memorial Mass for the deceased Knights.



50 / 50 DRAWING


There was a 50/50 drawing at the meeting. Mike Bergkamp won $36.00.





Michael Boos’s name was drawn. He would have won $217. The prize money now is ($217+ $36) $253.


After a prayer, the meeting closed at 8:40 P.M.


Next meeting is December 8, 2022. The next Officers’ Meeting is December 1, 2022.


Respectfully submitted,


Everett Fritz, II, Recorder


