officeArt object 

Holy Spirit Council No. 11661

11300 W 103RD ST OVERLAND PARK KS 66214



Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2021

Call to Order: Grand Knight, Rick Trudell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wardens Report: The meeting was held in the Holy Spirit Catholic Church’s Martha and Mary room. The meeting was preceded by “Men’s Knight Out.” Things are back to normal after the pandemic.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Grand Knight Rick Trudell

Roll Call: Officers absent at the meeting were the Advocate, and the two Trustees. The Chaplain was excused. Twenty-nine (29) members were present and duly recognized.

Attendance: Present: 29 Total Membership: 341

Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the May 11, 2021, meeting was approved after a correction was made to Father Thomas’ name. His last name is spelled “Maddock,” not “Maddox.”


Grand Knight’s Report

Grand Knight, Rick Trudell gave the following report:


1.He thanked all the Knights who volunteered at the Parish Picnic on June 4, 2021, to cook, make pop corn, help out, and congregate together in making the event successful;

2.He recognized Chris Horvat and Al Gracik for bringing tonight’s food and refreshments;

3.He announced to the Council it had a nominee for the Treasurer’s position, Tom Spencer. After going through the process and taking other nominations from the floor for the Treasurer position, a motion was duly made and seconded to elect Tom Spencer as Treasurer for the upcoming fraternal year starting July 1;

4.He announced the Parish would be hosting the “Religious Freedom” event June 26, 2021, after the Saturday 4:00 P. M. Mass and informed the Council the Knights were being asked to cook for the event. He passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers; and

5.He announced we had two transferees to the Council who were present. The two new members are Richard Rosano and Taylor Connolly. Both were asked to stand and be recognized and introduce themselves. They received a warm welcome by the Council.

6.He thanked Frank Settle for providing a new and very functional podium to used by the Knights and the Parish.




Grand Knight Rick Trudell made a special presentation to outgoing Financial Secretary, Greg Miller. The Grand Knight presented Greg Miller with a personal letter from Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly along with a Certificate from the Council for Greg’s fourteen (14) years of combined service as Financial Secretary of our Council. Greg served from 2004 through 2007. He did a second stint from 2010 through 2021.



Deputy Grand Knight & Program Director Report

The Deputy Grand Knight had no report.


Financial Reports

Financial Secretary Report

Greg Miller, the Financial Secretary was present. Gregg presented the bills of the Council. They were:

1.Refreshments & Ice for the Parish Picnic        $58.80

2.Beverages for the Council’s meeting        $20.51

3.Food for the Council’s meeting          $65.28


Upon motion duly made and seconded it was approved to pay the above referenced bills.


Thereafter, he gave his report on suspension and delinquent dues. He informed the Council suspension requests went to Supreme for 21 members and 30 members were delinquent in paying 2021 dues.


Finally, he informed the Council of five members of our Council who had achieved Life Membership. Life Membership is achieved upon a Knight paying 25 years of consecutive dues and reaching the age of 70. The honorees are:

1.James Dempsey;

2.Alan Ellebrecht;

3.Joe Kolich;

4.Larry Lane; and

5.Mike Morrand.

Besides receiving recognition for this achievement, each of these members’ annual dues is waived going forward.

Treasurer’s Reports

Tom Gaume, the Treasurer, was present and gave the Treasurer’s report as follows:

Bank Balance on hand:             $19,060.81

Less: earmarked Coats for Kids’ fund         $2,290.65

Less: earmarked Donations for Seminarians fund $5,007.00

Remainder           $11,763.16  


Lector’s Address

The Lector, Gregg Brown, gave his presentation on the book titled: “A Man Named Joseph: Guardian for Our Times.”

Membership Director

  The Grand Knight called on the Membership Director to give his report. Chad Eickholt, the Membership Director, said he was exploring two ideas in an effort to boost retention and increase membership. They were:


1.A “meet and greet” event at Mr. P’s inviting the Parish Deacons, our new Pastor Andrew Strobl, and Father Thomas Tank, the Parish, and Council; and

2.Televised events like sports, movies, etc. using the big screen in the Martha and Mary room inviting the Council members and men of the Parish to attend.



Faith Director


  There was no report.


Family Director


  There was no report.




Life Director


Dave Boone was present and reminded everyone the return for the “Baby Bottle Life Fundraiser” was this coming Sunday, Father’s Day.



Community Director

There was no report.



Unfinished Business

  There was no unfinished business.



New Business

  With no Unfinished Business, the Grand Knight asked whether anyone had any new business to bring up with the Council.


  Greg Miller stood and was recognized. Greg reported the Archdiocese Video Production was soliciting donations to raise $10,000 to produce a video for Seminarian recruitment. He made a motion the Council contribute $500 to this video production. The motion was seconded and passed.


  Thereafter, Rick Trudell mentioned he would be organizing a drive-by birthday celebration for Jack McGranaghan on July 4. He said Jack will be turning 99 this year. He indicated he’d sent out the information by e-mail.


Lastly, Ken O’Bryan was recognized and informed the Council it was “Play Along Football” time again. He said he had the chances and he’d be setting up a table to distribute them in the Gathering Area of the Church in the coming weeks.


Fourth Degree Report


The Grand Knight called upon the Faithful Navigator and inquired whether he had anything to report to the Council. Dan Hageman, the Worthy Navigator, was present.


Dan announced the 4th Degree Assembly would be meeting in person in the St. Isadora room on June 15, 2021. He indicated there would be no meetings in July and August and the Assembly would be starting their pot luck dinners again commencing with the September meeting.


He informed the Council the Colored Guard participated in the Ordination Mass May 29th at Ascension and Fr. Maddock’s first Mass at Holy Spirit on May 30. He invited all Fourth Degree Knights to consider becoming a member of the Color Guard as more bodies were needed.



District Deputy Comments


The District Deputy, Richard Warwick, was not present. There was no report.



Insurance Agent Report


Our Field Agent, John Rodriguez was not present and there was no report.

Mr. Rodriguez’s e-mail address is His phone number is (913) 403-9400 or (855) 356-4859. His address is P.O. Box 265, Gardner KS 66030. Anyone having Insurance needs is asked to reach out to him.



For the Good of the Order


Prayers Requested


  Before closing the meeting the Grand Knight asked whether any Brother Knight wished to request prayers for the sick and distressed. The names for which prayers were requested were:


1.Mike Slaven underwent surgery for his hernias. Pray for a speedy recovery;

2.Bob Long is receiving medical treatment. Pray for his good health; and

3.Norma Heiman, the wife of deceased Knight Don Heiman, is in ICU. Pray for her.




Jerry Gerstberger was present. He said the Adoration Chapel was open and there were five (5) Knights who attended Wednesday evening Holy Hour.


50 / 50 DRAWING


Phil Fowler won the 50/50 drawing. He received $14.


After a prayer, the meeting closed at 8:00P.M.


Respectfully submitted,


Everett Fritz, II, Recorder














